Archdiocesan Curriculum

St. Clare of Assisi Catholic School follows the curriculum of the Archdiocese of Denver Office of Catholic Schools. You can access the curriculum standards for each subject and grade at:

Office of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Denver: The Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools gives parents confidence that their investment in a Catholic School education will support their child’s complete development and personal success. A rigorous, time-tested curriculum taught by committed faculty in a faith-based and nurturing environment results in measurably accomplished academic achievement. Catholic teachings, faith and traditions are integral to a curriculum that reinforces what is taught at home, including virtues of discipline, respect and responsibility. These will provide guidance and inspiration as your child navigates life’s challenges.

We have confidence that our students will experience more complete development and unsurpassed academic and personal success. The reasons to believe Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Denver can deliver the promise are:

    • Catholic faith formation
    • Nurturing community
    • Reinforced family environment
    • Rigorous academic curriculum

Assurance Statement of compliance with the purposes of Title IX Education Act
The Catholic schools of the Archdiocese, under the jurisdiction of the Archbishop, and at the direction of the Superintendent, attest that none of the Catholic schools discriminates on the basis of sex in its admission policies, its treatment of students or its employment practices.

Notice of Student Non-Discrimination Policy
The Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Denver, under the jurisdiction of Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila, S.T.L. and at the direction of the Superintendent, state that all of their Catholic schools admit students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the schools. Furthermore, Archdiocesan schools admit handicapped students in accord with the policy on Admissions in the Archdiocese of Denver Catholic Schools Administrator’s Manual. These schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, age, handicap, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of their educational policies, employment practices, scholarship and loan programs, or athletic or other school-administered programs.