Tuition and Financial Assistance

For the 2024-2025 academic year, tuition is $6,500 per student. A multi-child discount is available for families that have more than one student enrolled. 

A signed Tuition Contract with a $500 non-refundable deposit is due at the time of re-enrollment.

By June 1 of each year, either tuition must be paid in full for the coming academic year or a FACTS account must be set up. If registering after June 1, then either tuition is paid in full or a FACTS account is set up at the time of registration. FACTS is the nation’s leading provider of tuition payment plans. FACTS accounts will be arranged through our business director, Marilyn Brock. Payments are scheduled monthly beginning in June.  Facts enrollment and login.

Tuition will be determined yearly.

Tuition Assistance
Financial assistance is available for families in need. Families requesting financial assistance must complete an application for the Variable Tuition Program. Families may apply for tuition assistance online at:

Or, families may apply by making an appointment with the office; contact Isabella Saenz at 970-926-8980 or for an appointment to complete the application. 

Applications for tuition assistance include submitting tax returns from the previous two calendar years. Applicants are encouraged to black out their social security number and birthday on their tax returns. 

Families who apply for tuition assistance by April 20 will be notified of the committee’s decision in early May. An application packet must be complete, including all above documents, in order to be considered for assistance. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

Inquire about financial aid options or for more information on tuition assistance please contact Marilyn Brock, Business Manager at 970-926-1085 or