Middle school students at St. Clare continue to experience the same nurturing environment they experienced during their K-5 years while being given more opportunities for independence and for exploring their own interests. They take on the additional responsibilities of keeping a locker organized and moving between classes. Opportunities for overnight retreats and field trips are made available. They are given choice to develop their own interests through choosing an elective course each semester.
While adolescents need room to discover their own identity, they also need the security of clear boundaries and caring adults willing to serve as mentors in this process. We help our students build their character and grow in self-awareness – spiritually, socially and morally– while encouraging students to question and explore, to define their beliefs and move toward self-reliance.
Core Curriculum Subjects
English Language Arts
The language arts curriculum encompasses reading, creative and expository writing, research, listening, and public speaking. Students explore writing everything from short fiction stories to poetry, to persuasive writing and expository texts. Emphasis is placed on building grammar and mechanics expertise, including Latin and Greek root word studies.
The math curriculum allows students to understand the real-world application of math concepts by connecting the physical world with the world of numbers through problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
The middle school students are exposed to multistep problem solving, ratios, integers, proportions, and scientific notations. Students in 8th grade have the option of taking pre-algebra or algebra.
The science curriculum in sixth, seventh and eighth grades exposes students to an in-depth study of earth science, life science and physical science.
The middle school history curriculum centers around Ancient, European, and U.S. history as well as the history of other major world civilizations. Major emphasis is placed on the study of Western Civilization from ancient peoples, through the medieval and modern eras. Students also study federal, state and local governments. Elements of economics from each of these time periods as well as current events, civics, and geography are integrated into each grade.
Students grow in the knowledge and love of our Faith through our theology curriculum. The curriculum includes prayer, the Creed, Biblical studies of both the Old and New Testaments, following Jesus through the Gospels, discussion of Church teachings, and living the faith in the Christian community. Theology also includes the renown Ruah Woods Theology of the Body curriculum. Faculty focus on helping students grow in virtue through our virtue curriculum.
Each semester, students choose one elective. The elective meets one time a week and includes students from 6th, 7th, and 8th grade. Past electives have included: Computer Programming, Principles of Graphic Design, Typing Club, Cooking, Engineering, Chess, and many others! Students have fun exploring a topic of interest while at the same time getting to know students in the other middle school grades.