Each day, St. Clare begins and ends with a school-wide prayer. In addition, students have opportunities for times of retreat and for the celebration of the sacraments through the year. We have Mass as a school community on Wednesday mornings. Students have the availability to celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation during Advent and Lent during the school day.
Religion: St. Clare teaches the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd to students in grades K-5 two times per week. Sixth through eighth grade students deepen their faith in daily religion classes as well. Students prepare for the sacraments of reconciliation, confirmation, and first communion in the appropriate grades.
“Girl Genius” (6-8 girls) & “Man Club” (6-8 boys): Our middle school students learn about the inherent dignity of the human being. Both of these programs foster genuine friendships while students learn about the inherent dignity they have as people. Each child is encouraged to grow as they learn about virtues such as modesty, prudence, and self-control. The girls take a retreat each year to the Cabrini Shrine in Denver which St. Francis Cabrini founded.
Our Patron Saint
Protecting God’s Children
The Religious Sisters of Mercy